
August 10, 2024
11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link Effective-Strategies-for-Enforcing-IP-Rights-in-VietnamDownload Enforcing intellectual property (IP) rights in Vietnam involves several approaches, including administrative actions, civil court actions, and criminal prosecution. Each method offers distinct advantages and challenges, and the choice of strategy often depends on the specifics of the infringement and the desired outcome....
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link 22_Law_Article_RETHINKING LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE WAKE OF ABUSE_FADownload 1. The Law The position of a Legal Representative (LR) within a corporation is crucial in the Vietnamese corporate environment and is precisely specified by particular laws and regulations. The LR represents the company in all...
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link 20_Law_Article_Statute of Limitations_FA (small size)Download Imagine you’re a business owner in a high-stakes legal dispute. Time is not just money; it’s a crucial factor that can make or break your case. This is where the statute of limitations comes into the spotlight. It’s not...
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