
To read or download the article, please click the following link. Arbitration-Dispute-Binding-Nature-of-Commercial-PracticesDownload Case Name:Arbitration Dispute Regarding Binding Nature of Commercial Practices Resource: Facts:Company T (Plaintiff) entered into a distribution agreement with Company D (Defendant), appointing Company D as its distributor. The contract stipulated that Company D would place orders via fax, mail, email, or...
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. Dispute-Regarding-the-Existence-of-Foreign-Elements-in-Contractual-RelationshipsDownload Case Name:Dispute Regarding the Existence of Foreign Elements in Contractual Relationships Resource: Facts:Company B, a 100% foreign-invested entity, was registered and operated in Vietnam. It entered into two contracts with Company L, a domestic company, both of which were signed by Mr....
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. Service-Contract-Dispute-Over-Payment-ClassificationDownload Case Name: Service Contract Dispute Over Payment Classification Resouce: Facts:Company S (the Plaintiff) and Company N (the Defendant) entered into a service contract, where Company S agreed to pay Company N for services. After the contract was signed, Company S transferred an...
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. Late-Premium-Payments-and-Insurance-Contract-ValidityDownload Case Name: Dispute between Insured Party and Insurer over Late Premium Payments and Insurance Contract Validity Resouce: Facts:The insurance contract stipulated that the premium would be paid in three installments. The insured party was late in making payments for all three installments....
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. INVESTING IN VIETNAM’S RARE EARTH INDUSTRY V1.2Download I. Introduction Rare earth elements are vital components in a wide range of high-tech products, from smartphones and electric vehicles to defense systems and renewable energy technologies. As global demand for these materials increases, Vietnam, with its...
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. LEGAL-FRAMEWORK-for-VIETNAMs-CARBON-CREDIT-MARKETDownload I. INTRODUCTION As the world works to fight climate change, carbon credits have become an important tool to control and reduce greenhouse gases. A carbon credit allows the release of one ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) or other greenhouse gases equal to one...
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To read or download the article, please click the following link. BASIC-KNOWLEDGE-ABOUT-FRANCHISINGDownload I.            GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.           Overview of Franchising: Franchising is a business model in which a brand owner (franchisor) grants a partner (franchisee) the right to use its trademark, business model, and operational knowledge to open and operate a store. 2.           Benefits of Franchising:...
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. What-to-Keep-in-MindDownload WHAT TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN INVESTING IN VIETNAM I.            VIETNAM’S TAXATION SYSTEM 1.           Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Vietnam’s Corporate Income Tax (CIT) is a central component of its tax system, levied on the profits of enterprises. The standard CIT rate is...
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11Herman, Henry & Dominic
To read or download the article, please click the following link. INVESTING-IN-VIETNAMDownload I.            COMMON FORMS OF INVESTING IN VIETNAM 1.           Establishing a New Company One of the most common methods for foreign investors to enter the Vietnamese market is by establishing a new company. 2.           Contributing Capital or Purchasing Shares/Equity Investors can also...
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Herman, Henry & Dominic is proud to announce our recognition by IFLR1000, the internationally acclaimed guide to leading financial and corporate law firms. We have been distinguished as a notable firm in Mergers & Acquisitions and Banking & Finance. Additionally, our partner Henry has been individually recognized as a notable practitioner in these fields. We...
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